Saturday, July 5, 2008

life is a journey

i have only come to realise the true meaning of this saying recently. till now it was just an expression for expression that i used while being asked very often by the highly philosopical group of friends that i love to hang around with.....that life is but a journey that every one will end some day.and it is the only truth in life.
my father passed away recently and when we took him for his cremation , after all his last rites were performed his once full of life body now lies still and cold ready to be put for his cremation into the electric furnace. as his body was taken in and the shutter closes behind i felt it was like i was sending him off into another world after he ended a journey in this. it was a sight i would never forget..... the loneliness , that i felt for him cannot be put into words here and yet it is a journey that we all have to take and we have to take set me thinking then why is there so much of hypocricy, so much of restlessness , so much of want, so much of pride in us. when oneday we all have to take the same journey.....irrespective of caste . creed , relegion.....only the way might be different....but all leading to the same destination.... death . so lets try to remember this truth in life and try to make this world a better place to live in our own small ways.


amit said...

frankly when i have cremated anyone and as the dead body disappered behind the steel door of the furnace, i have always got that divine depression,albeit of a few moments.
the re-realization that everything is so temporary, so irrlevant in the long run and the stark reality of what we all and above all, me too, are going to end up with one day

amit said...

I today read what u wrote and i must say i couldnt agree any more. But look at the things this way.. Death makes life meaningful. Death makes living pleasurable. Anyways, lets talk about life. not death.

You said u love ocean. And i like it too. For two totally opposite reasons. Actually same reason looked at from two different points of view. one it reminds me how puny we are and two it tells me how grand the nature is.

Ocean is vitality. Ocean is life. Ocean is pasion and intensity unparalleled.

The people who committ to a cause love ocean.

So whemever u feel that overwhelming urge to think about death, think of ocean. You will automatically think life.