Friday, October 3, 2008

Fight for survival......

This was the most pathetic scene that I had to see when I was waiting for Rajdhani in Gauhati railway station.....A group of children between the age of 10mths to 12 yrs were curiously looking into the railway tracks..... well i got curious too...specially now because of the Bomb Phobia.....I went closer to see and then i saw what pulled these children towards the tracks. There was a dead chicken lying down there. and they were crowding near it debating among themselves who would go down and get it. After a lot of discussion (so it looked to me) one of the older one decided to go and pull it out of the tracks. I was just wondering what were they planning to do with it....when suddenly i saw some more older ones rushing towards the spot.Naturally word had spread.....and then there was a tug of war between the two groups for the dead prey.... finally i could see all the feather and wings gone and the group which won the prize sat down to clean the remaining skin. Today there would be a feast the end of the show I had bile in my mouth and i went veg as long as i remembered the scene. Sad isn't it...we take the food on the dining table for granted.


Manoj Naudiyal said...

Thanks for visit and for the comment.
Your writeup definitely forces to think how fortunate we are to have so much luxeries to live.
If not much, situation certainly demands individual not to waste food. We need to think of these people before wasting a tiny grain of food... Very good post, surely wakes everyone from deep sleep.

magiceye said...

so true....

beautifully narrated