Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Silver Moon.....

This is a picture i took from our balcony on friday night ......and as i stood under its silver beams i recalled a poem we learnt in school......SILVER by Walter de la Mare and it goes something like this ...."softly and silently now the moon ....walks the night in her silver shoon....this way and that she peers and sees ......silver fruits upon silver trees......." one of my favorite poems. and a moonlit night on a clear sky is something to experience......but this is a special picture because my best friend and I were watching the moon at the same time ( unknowingly ).......though thousands of miles seperate us...... and it was an sms from this friend asking me to take a picture which actually prompted me to take out my cam and click the moon.......amazing miles apart and yet we were looking up to the same moon. Nature has some wonderful ways of connecting some special people in her own way.


अविनाश said...

its agr8 capture

magiceye said...

beautiful pictures accompanying a lovely thought!