Friday, December 18, 2009

Taking a Walk.......!!!!!

Sometimes not having a car at your disposal is also fun......this is a route I usually take when I drive to work.......its not the main road which is precisely why I like to take.....yes guessed right!!!! To avoid the traffic jam of the city. Its a one way route meaning you can only go the drive up is quite steep. But now that my car has gone for a ride , I usually walk it to work.....and I still take this route.......up and down......even for my morning walks. Now this way is called the "Jacob Ladder's " since my kiddo days. I could never know why......because there was never a sign of a ladder nor did we ever meet Jacob !!!! But the name stands .Earlier it was only a path to be taken on foot. It was pretty steep. In fact we could never imagine this to be motorable. But I guess that is why we have engineers.Lol!!!! Today, as I was coming back from work, I took this route.......and I stood there for a while recalling all my childhood days and my friends as we would walk down, laughing and whispering many a secrets never to be told......Lol!!!!! .


R. Ramesh said... and beautiful...cheers friend..:)

Great Grandma Lin said...

what fun memories. Jacob's ladder refers to a bible story about Jacob's ladder to heaven-that's where you live.

Priyanka Khot said...

Wow! This is beautiful. I can't beleive that in less than a week i'll be able to see Shillong for myself! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED (even caps cannot do justice to it) :D

Cheryl said...

How wonderful that you enjoy walking and that your daily walk brings back happy memories to you. I was going to mention what Jacob's ladder refers to but Lin Floyd did it very nicely.

Onkar said...

You see so much of greenery on way to work. You are blessed.

Anonymous said...

i couldn't agree more with all the above people here. You are indeed lucky to live in such a beautiful place. I hope i can plan a visit in the coming year.