Monday, February 22, 2010

Ghosts Under Lock And Key........!!!!!!

This was a tribal village I had visited and among a lot of other things that I found fascinating, this stole the cake.I was wondering around in this area when suddenly I saw a few trees had these small locks hanging on the trunks and near it the keys were nailed too. Naturally, I got very mind went back to the time when I was a child and was so deeply involved in fairy tales. So much so , that I often wondered and may be also believed that the stories might have some reality some where.........after all how could there be a smoke with out a fire. Lol !!!! So when I saw these locks on these tree trunk in the middle of the mind did a thousand somersault.......ahhh!!!!! fairy tales come true .......I asked the first person I came across in the village what was the story behind these small locks. And was told that , it was a local belief in the village that a person who was found possessed by ghosts or spirits were made to pray and do some rituals here under the trees and there after small lock and keys were nailed into trunk of trees to show that the ghosts has left the human abode and is now locked inside the tree. Interesting !!!! I was tempted to open up one of the locks hoping to find a genie in it.........but was strictly warned by the villagers that it might bring ill luck to me and also to their village. Well when in like a Roman. I respect their belief.


Cheryl said...

Oh this was so fascinating! I am so glad that you took the time to ask a villager just what these locks and keys were all about! Fascinating.

Patty said...

Interesting belief. And I'm sure if they believed strongly enough it did work for them.

soccarman said...

This is a real fascinating post nitu.....more so of your belief on fairy tales.its just so cute. i wonder if the kids now a days have ever read one.don't let the child in you ever die.

magiceye said...

that is amazing!

Great Grandma Lin said...

reminds me of people who build fairy houses in the woods and then there is always the tooth fairy. they live if only in our!

R. Ramesh said...

haha so u dint open the door..wonderfulll..intersting post as usual...

Raheel said...

:) interesting. your Blog is Great.. Good work

Anonymous said...

this is really amazing story but it's best not to mess up with their beliefs

Haddock said...

Each place has its beliefs and rituals.
Going against it can be equivalent to blasphemy.