Thursday, May 20, 2010

A "Bandh " Day.......!!!!

An unfortunate incident that had happened in Langpih Village where innocent villagers lost their lives, had called for a bandh by different organization in protest to what had happened.A Bandh meaning everything is shut down....traffic off the roads, shops , schools and offices all closed except hospitals.....(as usual) but as we cannot risk taking out our own vehicles, and the hospital ambulances cannot cater to all the doctors and nurses picking them up and dropping them according to their duty hours, some of us are put on call......meaning we are suppose to be ready any time there is an emergency. Fair enough! so we got a break today. I kept my fingers , hands and legs crossed....(well I think all of us did that)so that there are no emergency calls and we can all stay home. I went up to the roads to see what was the scene like..... Apart from a few curious ones like me , all was shut down and for once as dusk set in , there was only silence to embrase it.


R. Ramesh said...

haan yar...saw the news and thought of contacting u..good to hear u were not summoned for emergency...bandh means extra work for doctors and journos friend..v catch up soon..cya

Great Grandma Lin said...

wow, sounds scary. I think I'd hideout at home.

Reanaclaire said...

how sad.. pity the villagers... anything done for them?

soccarman said...

yea i read about it too. sad and unfortunate.

Rachna said...

sad, really!

Onkar said...

Bandhs put a lot of people to inconvenience. Some other way should be found to express collective anger.

R. Ramesh said...

hi nitu:)

Anonymous said...

sounds a bit scary to me