25th May 2010 will go down in my book of memories as a day that I would never like to remember and yet like all things that you would like to forget and can't , this day will always be on my mind. A phone call was all that was needed to turn my otherwise normal routine day , topsy turvy. I was told my very close childhood friend, June was taken to the ICU. I rushed to the hospital and saw her on life support, struggling with life. Minutes turned to hours. I was told by the doctors all her vital organs were affected, the kidneys were the worst. Her body system was shutting down. Nothing could be done any more. She suffered from a rare connective tissue problem. They brought her home. I checked her pulse and blood pressure. I could be feel none. She was sinking and the same night June breadth her last. She left me standing there alone in front of her mother , children and relatives, asking me to tell them she was gone. "Not fair June for asking me to do this ....." I was talking to myself.Holding back my emotions and as professionally as I could, I told them.....She was no more.
I stand and watch as they lift her coffin for the last journey that she was going to make in this world till she is laid to rest. My parting gift to her was a Cross of Yellow Lilium flowers . May her soul rest in peace, I pray silently as my tears roll down . I have lost an elder sister....a friend....a neighbour forever.
very sorry to hear the sad news of your friend.my heart felt condolences to you and her family. i know it is not easy to cope with the loss, but be brave for your own sake and also for their family.
ya..it is not easy to cope with the loss of a near one..can feel u...but v can do very little in life n death matters...the only way out is to accept the inevitable..like soccarman says, pls be brave for yr own sake and for their fmly...v bloggers with u nitu...
heartfelt condolences to you on your loss. take care.
holding good thoughts for you
Nitu, I could not believe the sms you had sent. It took a lot of time for me to react. The whole day yesterday I kept thinking of the hour I spent at June's place eating cake and having tea last Christmas. It seems unreal that she is no longer living in that house smiling and asking questions about my life in Delhi.
Please give a hug to Janis from my side. May June's soul rest in peace.
you will see her again, her spirit lives on. take comfort in that and also your memories of a dear friend.
May her soul rest in peace.
Oh so sad! Hope her soul rests in peace, and you find the strength to deal with her loss.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend, June. May she rest in peace.
I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. I cannot imagine what you, her family and friends are going through but know that loving thoughts are with you. Take solace in the happy memories you have.
i'm very sorry to hear about yr loss what more it involved yr close childhood friend, my condolence
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