Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Pigeon House.....!!!!!

This is a pigeon house I saw in Anand's home. The pigeons like his neighbours got curious about the new visitors. I found it real cute as the little pigeons peeped out of their little holes and looked at us. Before we left, Anand's mother put her hands into the pigeon home and took out two of them and gave us as tokens. I asked her what was I suppose to do with them as I obviously could not carry them back to Shillong. She said its for your dinner tonight. Ugh !!!!! I stared at her. Did she expect me to have pigeons for dinner????? Am a non veg no doubt but pigeons don't figure in my list of non veg dish and certainly not domesticated ones. I was told this is an honor shown for special visitors and special occasions.....and if I don't accept it , it would be hurtful. I don't know whom would I hurt more ?????........Anand's mother or the pigeons......staring at me from their holes. I felt like a murderess . I gave them to the driver to do what ever....and tried to forget about my special gift for the rest of my journey. But all said and done ......she offered us what ever she could. I respect her for that.


Unknown said...

Hello Nitu,

Thank you somuch for sharing your journey to Anand's village ...this is the heartland of India that few get to view and i can't tell u howmuch i appreciate it. You captured their life, generosity and kindness despite the harsh realities of the rural wonder the youngsters want to reach for the cities and urban 'benefits' Your pics are gorgeous ..thanks again.

Unknown said...

Nitu, what was growing in the fields behind teh beautiful pigeon house?

R. Ramesh said...

oofff wonderful post.....what a god..i can understand..:)

Cheryl said...

What a house for the pigeons! What a honor to receive a pigeon but I certainly wouldn't want to eat one either. Hopefully the driver took care of the matter.

Great Grandma Lin said...

interesting custom, I think more people would be vegetarians IF they had to kill their own meat. I know I watched my grandpa chop off a chicken's head once for a family dinner and never realized what all was involved.

nituscorner said...

that is all sugarcane in the backdrop.

soccarman said...

beautifully expressed!!!!

Niki said...

Hello Nitu,
Thank you so much for visiting me :)

I look forward to getting to know you better through your wonderful blog!

Patty said...

That would be a dilemma.

Onkar said...

I can understand your dilemma.How can someone eat something that looks so innocent?

Aditi said...

Hi Nitu... I have heard so much about you (all the good things), courtesy Priyanka. You really are a wonderful person and your blog's a proof of that. I really liked the pigeon house.. It is very cute.. But sad to know that the owners gave it to you as a dinner delicacy.. I hope the driver had let them free and not eaten them...
And I loved your house...

nituscorner said...

priyanka's adding masala to it. lol. as i said the pleasure was all mine. thanks for stopping by here . hope your next stop would be in this part of the country.

Nikesh Rathi said...

tempted to live in a larger version of this pigeon house :)

Anonymous said...

i hardly see these kinds of pigeon houses nowadays, now we can only see pigeon holes where letters are placed in them by the postman

Anonymous said...

...and look at the guy, he is either enjoying the sound of the pigeon or may be he's being tickled by what he hears on the radio