Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Dentist Day......!!!!

Tooth problems are may be as old as civilization itself and the practice of Dentistry goes back to 5000 years or more. Tooth aches were treated in various praying to different Gods and waiting for them to cure the pain. It was treated with bee wax and hot iron and even arsenic, which would kill the pain and most of the time also the patient . Aren't you glad you are born in the 20Th century ????? I sure am !!!! Dentistry today has advanced beyond imaginations. So much so that today we have 6Th March dedicated to us. But the fact remains that we all started with no cavities . And as much as dentistry is my bread and butter, I would still hope and pray that no one suffers the unbearable tooth ache. This post today is dedicated to all my friends and colleagues, for their "Stiff Neck Back-Breaking " service to mankind.
Have a great drilling -filling day......!!!! Smile forever.....!!!!


R. Ramesh said...

Have a great drilling -filling day......!!!! Smile forever.....!!!! hahaha proud to b yr friend..:)

Great Grandma Lin said...

what a unique idea to celebrate dentists...

soccarman said...

a very happy dentist day to you nitu.

Patty said...

My niece that just went through a double mastectomy works in a dentist office. She's a dental hygienist, plus she can also fill teeth.

My teeth were never very good or strong, as soon as a second one would come through it seemed it needed to be filled. Now our Granddaughter who is 10, has never had any cavities.

Happy dentist day to you.

R. Ramesh said...

u r one rare dentist who wrot: I would still hope and pray that no one suffers the unbearable tooth ache. i told ya..u r a good person...right?

Anonymous said...

I've always been looking for excuses not to visit my dentist, fortunately it's not that often, well not as yet i guess. But then again this is the 21st century, and how come the old fear about seeing the dentist is still there. I'll try to conquer this fear of mine soon, Happy Dentist Day, Nitu.

ferman said...

Guess what would have happened if we were born without bones? Teeth are bones....good one