Shillong , the city of lush green hills and whispering pines has a lot to be proud of and for me what could make me feel more proud than the visit that Tagore made here in the year 1919. This is a story that has been passed down from our grandparents that I am sure every Bengali family in Shillong would! My grand parents and my whole paternal family hold a sense of pride to be connected to this place because of this one great connection.....I call it the "Bong Connection ". Jokes apart , all along my child hood I remember as I would study Tagore's poem I would be reminded more often then not about his visits to Shillong.......his stay etc. But its only recently that I made an effort to visit this place with a friend one late evening and though the place was locked we managed to click few pictures.
Well, I believe Tagore visited Shillong about three times and in one of these visits he wrote the last part of "Gitanjali" in Bengali.......and later translated to English , for which he won the Nobel Prize. It seems Tagore was mesmerised by the untouched beauty of Shillong......and he did show his love for this city in many of his works .
The picture I have here is the place where he had come and stayed....there is another place near my area too.......but as its a private place , the people keep it locked, the reason why I could not sneak a picture here........the gates were too high for me..... lol!!!
tagore the great..very interesting post dear friend...cheers
fascinating to learn more of Tagore did a google search on his life and works. there are so many in the world in different cultures to study.
interesting and informative nitu.good one.
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