Monday, November 2, 2009

All Soul's Day......!!!!!

Today the 2ND November is dedicated to the Departed Souls by the Catholic Faiths it is called the All Soul's Day where the all Catholic Faithfuls would come and pay homage to their departed loved flowers/wreaths and light candles and have prayers for their souls to rest in peace. The grave yard looks beautiful with flowers and candles.......the air is you see each family member bow down in front of their loved one's tomb saying a silent prayer.......spending some quite moments....... sheding a silent tear.....missing.......seeking blessings and strength.....sometimes even is a time spent in recollections is over come with the calmness and serenity that descends in the air......and as dusk falls around you, people leave for home after the service......the quietness is back as if saying the death should not be disturbed.


R. Ramesh said...

the quietness is back as if saying the death should not be friend is writing like a veteran philosopher..hehe:)

Great Grandma Lin said...

wonderful holiday much better than halloween...

soccerman said...

a very solemn event indeed and a beautiful write up. in our busy lives sometimes we forget to reflect on life. keep it up nitu.

magiceye said...

sombre post